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Latin word or phrase | English word or phrase |
acidus, i lysergoxys was suggested, but its etymology is Greek and Gaulish, so I prefer the simpler Latin acidus, even though it is a calque | acid, LSD |
andron, is, rather than ala, ae | aisle in supermarket |
autocinetum, rather than raeda, and despite the fact it is Latin and Greek, for the sake of euphony | car |
fucandi stilus not baculus labialis because baculus is a large stick and fucandi expresses action and purpose | lipstick |
dulcia or perhaps saccaridium but not bellaria which is dessert | sweets |
bracae telae nemausiensis | denim jeans |
in bracis se concaco | soil one's trousers |
bracae armaniae/nikenses | armani/nike jeans |
caerimoniarius (musicus) | MC |
canista cervisiae | can of beer |
capillatus, i rather than cincinnatus, which implies curly, and despite any other meaning that capillatus might have. | hippy |
capsa, ae, a calque from the French, or perhaps discotheca, ae rather than taberna nocturna for brevity | nightclub |
capsula musica | audiocassette |
caput regis, caupona caput regis nomine rather than domus publica | The King's Head pub |
casula birotarum | bike shed |
charta pecunaria | banknote |
phonodisos canere, circumago | to dj, mix records on two turntable, preferably Technics if you could afford them |
cocainum/a n. or f. | cocaine |
computatrum | computer |
classis *(linguae) francogallicae | french class |
coca cola | coca cola |
conclavis remissionis | chill out room |
cornu cannabiense | a large cannabis joint (referring to the shape) |
cosmicus | cool |
discimpositor | dj |
discus compactus | compact disc |
caupona | pub |
ebrius acido | high on acid |
fistula cannabiensis | a largish marijuana joint |
strophium, not fistula mamalis | boob tube, immodest item of clothing fashionable in the 90's |
fraseridomus | house of fraser department store |
frugalitas mensurae | economy of scale |
fur tabernarius | shoplifter |
gilfordia, ae, gilfordiensis adj. | Guildford, town to south of London |
globulae | remote control (literally buttons) I was influenced by Scottish friends who used the word buttons |
gramophonum duplex | dj turntables |
grex musica | band |
hortensis horreus | Park Barn, housing estate in Guildford UK |
hora theae | tea-time |
ianitor/ | doorman, bouncer |
iungula musica | jungle music |
impavidus | cool |
insufflare cocainum | to snort cocaine |
linea celeritatis, an obvious calque other than anything based on a drug name | line of speed |
sonifer, not locutor | speaker (of music) |
ludus pedifollis | football |
ludum pilarum ebenarum | pool/snooker |
(machina) autocinetica, autocinetum | car |
manticulator, is | pickpocket |
mercator narcoticus | drug dealer |
ministerium soni | Ministry of Sound, nightclub in London |
musica rave | rave music |
nokia mmx | nokia 2010 (popular phone in '90s) |
nox iungularia | jungle night |
lac gelatum frago conditum | strawberry milkshake |
negotiator narcoticus | drug dealer |
octava unciae | eighth of an ounce |
pallia scortea versacia | versace leather jacket |
paniculus caseo fartus | cheese sandwich |
pantella fucata | colour screen |
pasticulum hamburgense | burger |
patatae frictae | chips, fries |
pharmacopolium | chemists/pharmacy |
placenta neapolitana | pizza |
phonodiscus, i | record |
pillula exstatis | tablet of ecstasy |
popina serica | chinese restaurant/takeaway |
praeco, nis | newsreader |
psychotropica | drugs |
publicanus/caupona | pub landlord |
rosa mariana | Mary Rose, a pub in Guildford Surrey |
rector, is | headmaster |
rex burgensis | Burger King |
saepto orbiculatus | roundabout |
saltatio, nis | rave, dance |
scalae versatiles | elevator/escalator |
sextarius | pint of beer |
sigarella, ae | cigarette |
sigarella cannabiensis | a small marijuana joint |
statio waterloo | waterloo station |
stipendium | pocket money |
subucula gucciana | gucci underwear |
supermercatus | supermarket |
pillula exstasis | tablet of ecstasy |
televisio, nis | television |
telephonum mobile | mobile phone |
terrarius staffordiensis | staffie, staffordshire bull terrier |
thea,ae | tea, aslo camelia sinensis |
triummures | murine equivalent of triumvires |
tympanum et bassum | drum and bass music |
venditor metalli confecti | scrap metal dealer |
via aIII | A3, road from London to Portsmouth |
vestes moris recentis | fashionable clothes |
vestes athletici | tracksuit |
via alta, or maxima | high street, main street |
vigilrosa, ae the 'wait' in the English comes from o. french for guard | waitrose (supermarket) |
vocatus, us telephonicus | telephone call |
voppur, is | Whopper (burger) |
ludus computatorus | computer games |
*Comenius, Johann Amos: Opera didactica omnia. - Amsterdam, 1657 | |